Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why I Am A Reverse Old Person

So, ever since I started this job, I have become what my friend Molly calls "A Reverse Old Person." What she means by this is I keep the exact opposite schedule of an older person. Normally, your (stereo-)typical old person wakes early in the morning, has breakfast by 8, lunch at 11:30, dinner at 5, in bed by 9.

My schedule is as follows: Wake when the furry alarm clock decides it is the right time. Futz around the house for a few hours cause I can't have breakfast immediately after he does or he will begin to think he is in charge of this pack and we just can't have that!

So breakfast usually somewhere between 10:30 and 11:30. That makes lunch sometime in the 2:30-3:30 region. Which leaves dinner the coveted time slot of 9ish, maybe 9:30. Maybe 10. And on nights when I have a party, dinner can be anywhere from 10-2AM, depending on when I get home. Can't do a party on a full stomach. (Check back for a later blog someday when I decide to explore why that's the case.) And bed around midnight.

But it's not just the food that makes my schedule seem weird. It's my work habits. Take today for example. Below follows my schedule:

8:30- Awoken by furry alarm clock. Let him out and go back to bed.
8:45- Give up hope of ever going back to bed and head to computer.
8:46- Commence to read EOnline, check out schedule for meetings the next day, and do general nothingness on the computer.
10:30- Breakfast
11:30- Trainer
12:30- PR deliveries in Matthews
2:30- Lunch
3:30- Go hang out at Molly's for a few hours just cuz
5:30- Return home. Begin work.

And NOW, it is 8:44PM and I just finished working. Going to go eat dinner. So I am forced to wonder why it is that I spent the entire day messing around and only got down to work in the evening. It wouldn't be so bizarre except this day is quite typical. Regular meals and a regular work schedule very rarely make an appearance in my life. They are most certainly the exception, not the rule.

In typing this, I was hoping to gain some perspective as to why I live my life in this fashion. I have come up blank. Not that it bothers me, in fact I think this is the best schedule I have ever had in my entire adult life. (Especially the going back to bed part) It's just odd.

Thoughts? Those of you who read this blog know me well. I'd be curious to hear your opinions.

And of course this blog begs the question-- when I am an ACTUAL old person, will my schedule change? Or will I have the schedule of an Old Reverse Old Person? And if that's the case, what will I do with myself when my lame-o friends all go to bed at 9?

These are deep thoughts. They make my head hurt. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Juls said...

I'm not an old person yet. I am NOT a morning person, ever.