Boston: Hi! HeyRichie! Hi! Hi! Richiehey. Hi!
Richie: (Yawn) (Roll onto side)
Boston: Richie, hey Richie! Hi! I'mBostonandmymomanddadareryann andscottandtheyknowyourMomSheri. Doyou knowmymomanddadRyannandScott? IknowyourmomSheriandshepetsmeandstuffandIlike it! Doyoulikeitwhenshepetsyou? KaraandLucaspetmetooandIlikethattoo! DotheypetyoucausetheypetmeandIlikeit! Doyoulikefood? Ilikefoodlotsandlotsandwhenmymomanddad andkaraandlucasgivemefoodittastessogoodandiloveit.
Richie: (Yawn again) (Snore)
Boston: RichieheyRichie! Areyousleeping? Iliketosleeptoo. Ilikefoodandsleepalot. AndwhenKaraandLucaspetmeandmymomanddadtoo!
Boston: OkayRichieI'msorryIjustlikemeetingnewdogssomuchandyouaresoniceand
Ijustget excited. DoyouevergetexcitedcauseIdo! EspeciallywhenmymomanddadcomehomeandKara andLucascomeoverandsometimesIcometotheirhouse
Boston: RichieIdon'tknowwhatyoumeanRichie. WhatdoyoumeanRichie?
Boston: IhearyouRichieandthat'sreallyinteresting. MymomanddadandKaraandLucas aregoingtoreallywanttohearthistoocausetheywillreallybeinterested.
Richie: No, kid, you're not listening. You have to be in charge of your Mom and Dad and Kara and Lucas. You have to refuse to do what is asked of you unless food is involved. You have to let them know when you are angry by peeing on the floor. You know?
Boston: SometimesIpeeonthefloorcauseIgetexciteddoyou?
Boston: I'magirlIdon'tliftmylegbutIcantryRichiecauseitsoundsfun.
Richie: Great. So you go home and let your Mom and Dad know that they have to do what you say or you will pee on their hard wood floors. They HATE it when you pee on their floors.
Boston: GeeRichieIcan'twaittogohomeandbealfalfadog!
Richie: Alpha dog, kid. Alpha. Not Alfalfa. But I'm glad you get the point. Now, if you don't mind, I gotta get some sleep before I make my Mom give me dinner. See, since I am alpha, I say when the meals are. I let my Mom think it's her idea, but really what I do is poke her in the leg while she's working over and over with my nose until she realizes she wants to give me dinner.
Boston: IlovedinnerandIlikewhenmymomanddadgivemedinneralotandIwishitwasalwaystimefor dinnerRichie. Don'tyoualwayswishitwastimefordinnerRichie? CauseIdoandIlovedinnertime.
Richie: Yes kid. I love dinner time. And it's coming up soon, so why don't you go find that Mom and Dad of yours and see if you can make it come any sooner. Remember, you are in charge! You're the puppetmaster. They are just there to buy the food and pick up the poop.
Boston: ByeRichieBye! IhadfuntalkingtoyouRichiebyebye!
Richie: Oy. Kids. (Yawn. Roll onto side. Snore)
1 comment:
LMFAO. Can Richie come over for a playdate with Tazzie and Keely?
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